Friday, February 11, 2011

What's a Greasy Pounder Anyhow?

The Making of a Man series features a fast food style restaurant that I totally made up. The Greasy Dog. The 2nd book in the series, A Place to Run releases soon (March is soon! no really ;P) and The Greasy Dog is featured again. I also made up the name "Greasy Pounder, " the for the star of the menu.  While a "Greasy Pounder" may not sound all that yummy. It's based on a fine Southern tradition that is indeed very yummy. (Please note "Southern" referrs to the Southern USA all states below the Mason-Dixon line. You see that Florida fails at being a Southern state, this is due to all the transplanted Northerners hiding from snow)

And back to my point. It's Recipe time! So you can appreicate, along with Alex, Clark and to a somewhat lesser degree Jared, the yum that is the Greasy Pounder!

A Visual of the finished product:

hot dog

(please note the professional use of the word Weenie in the description, I do not know what WV is. I borrowed this graphic from a defunt website.)

 I'm lazy so feel free to replace my prepackaged items with homemade. 

You'll need

Hotdogs (pick your fav. They like the red ones here and yick ok? give me a good ol' Oscar Myer)

Hot dog buns (please don't buy enough to make the buns and hot dogs even out)

a picnic size cole slaw from KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken, lazy remember?)

A can of Amour Chili without beans

Mustard (the yellow cheap kind)

chopped onions (grocery stores do this for you, don't be cheap)

Butter (yes real butter,  it's not called the greasy pounder for nothing)


Melt butter in skillet, put in hot dogs cook until hot (you'll have to keep turnin' 'em they'll blister)

While hot dogs are cooking, toast hot dog buns and butter them

put bun on plate

put hot dog on bun

add mustard, chili, coleslaw and onions (order of ingredients is a personal matter I like it this way)

Sometimes I leave off the slaw and add cheese instead, if you do this add chese to the "need" list.

if you aren't going to eat it right then (I don't know why you wouldn't, but whatever) wrap the finished dog in foil or waxed paper. close tightly to keep in steam. Not sure where you are taking it but don't wait until it's cold to eat it. Anything with Greasy in the name should be eaten hot.

There you go, a nice new recipe and a lesson in USA Geography aren't you glad you came?

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